Little River Medical Center - Dental
Office Based Services
Our professional and experienced dental team provides dental care for routine and urgent dental needs for patients of all ages. Children and adults can receive dental care at our LIttle River and Carolina Forest sites. To schedule an appointment, please call 843-663-8000 and press 1 for a scheduling representative.
Miles for Smiles Mobile Dental Program
Dental pain is often the reason that a child misses school. To make your child's visit as easy as possible, Little River Medical Center, offers a school-based mobile dental program, Miles for Smiles. Since 2004, our mobile team has traveled throughout the school year to a number of elementary schools in Horry County. Some of the services offered include: routine exams and treatment; cleanings; flouride treatment; dental xrays; sealants; fillings; space maintainers; extractions.
To learn more about the Miles for Smile program, please call 843-663-8304 or e-mail